The SABERS Cycle: A Cutting-Edge Study on Responding to God

SABERS introduces a revolutionary concept:  Respond to God instead of reacting to  circumstances.

The SABERS cycle revolves around God, praying, praising and living in His purpose. We respond to God instead of reacting to circumstances as we Seek, Acknowledge, Believe, Expect, Receive, and Surrender to His love (SABERS).

Scripture reveals the path to practice a cycle of responding to God. He established cycles throughout creation to replenish and restore: a new day dawns, sprouts develop into grain, water replenishes the earth and pressure produces change.

SABERS Cycle Spiral Staircase

Likewise, our hope, joy, peace and purpose are refueled as we cycle through intentional and applied responses to God. A new circumstance is not pass or fail; it is an opportunity to practice and succeed.

An ongoing spiral staircase gives a picture of the SABERS cycle.  We may repeat steps already traveled or venture onto new and unknown treads.

Circumstances provide opportunity to exercise and wield our SABERS with increasing sharpness and cutting-edge precision.

Begin the SABERS Cycle today.

Research shows we need to practice or study something at least seven times in repeated intervals in order to apply new information or perform a new skill. Completing a permanent change normally takes about 63 days. (Leaf, Caroline. “Discovering the Potential of our Blueprint for Identity.” The Perfect You: A Blueprint for Identity, 58. Ada, Michigan: Baker Books, 2017.) 

  • There are 63 posts on website.
  • Commit to reading one SABERS Cycle post each day for nine weeks.
  • Pray, praise, and trust in God’s purpose.
  • Practice a new core belief of responding to God instead of reacting to circumstances.

Draw your SABERS! We are marching to battle!