Seek God (Part 1) The Beginning

Seeking widens the parameters of our vision.

“Look and find” books play on this and provide a fun pastime that heightens our awareness of what is on the page. In most picture books, we look at the picture and immediately associate it with something we already know. We don’t notice the intricate details of the colors, shading, or dimensions, unless we are a practiced or trained artist. But in “Look and find” books we scan the entire page, looking for extraordinary, unique, distinct features. We are on a mission to find an object, person, or scene that is hidden among the distractions of the picture.

The Bible tells us that God created us to seek Him.

Acts 17:26-27
“And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation,27 that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.”

God intends that we seek Him and find Him. Seeking is the beginning of the SABERS revolution, but the practice of seeking God continues throughout life.

Initially, we seek for “Something”, not really knowing what we seek. When we see or hear the truth of God’s love for us, we seek God’s presence through salvation and relationship with Jesus. In relationship, we seek God’s presence as increased awareness, purpose and love strengthens and sustains in all circumstances.

The idea of seeking in relationship is as old as love itself. We remember being newly in love. Our awareness of what the other person preferred was keen; our purpose to spend time together was focused; our love grew stronger as we sought relationship.

The ongoing practice and repetition of intentionally seeking God is what redirects our focus to see the eternal details hidden among the distracting, stressful and insignificant busyness of life.